Lightyear One is a long-range solar electric vehicle designed to be grid independent and allows people to drive anywhere without the need for a plug. Their concept is one of the most futuristic ones we’ve seen in years, so make sure to keep your eyes open.

  • Lightyear One is a long range solar electric vehicle designed to be grid independent and allows people to drive anywhere without the need for a plug. Their concept is one of the most futuristic ones we’ve seen in years, so make sure to keep your eyes open.
  • This Leiden based startup is working on a breakthrough innovation in the field of batteries. By implementing silicon anodes instead of graphite, it aims to boost the energy density with up to 70%. Great work, soon we can all leave our power banks at home ;)
  • Gradyent is building a Digital Twin of a physical heating network and combines it with AI to enable emission reductions and prevent energy losses. An excellent mix between energy, digital and sustainability!
  • The team of Sympower is building software solutions that enable industrial companies to share their electrical assets like solar panels and batteries. This is what we would call a perfect example of sharing is caring.
  • This Rotterdam-based startup wants to electrify large container vessels by using swappable battery containers. Mobile batteries are already a great alternative to generators on different kinds of sites and it is a major opportunity to use them to clean up shipping.
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