Hydrogen Training for Professionals

Unlock the Future of Energy with our Executive Hydrogen Training! Platform Zero offers, in collaboration with the Rotterdam School of Management, an executive training course for business and government professionals who are looking to accelerate their business with hydrogen.

Managing the opportunities of the hydrogen economy

Elevate your leadership prowess with our cutting-edge executive training on hydrogen, the game-changer in the energy landscape. Dive into the world of clean energy and sustainability, equipping yourself with the knowledge and insights needed to drive innovation and transform your organization.

In this intensive program, you'll gain a deep understanding of hydrogen technologies, applications, and their impact on industries like transportation, manufacturing, and energy storage. Our world-class experts will guide you through the latest advancements, market trends, and regulatory landscapes, enabling you to make informed decisions and lead your company into a greener, more sustainable future. Join us today and lead the hydrogen revolution!

Already interested? Connect with us now by e-mailing Ruben@platformzero.co


Join us if you want to...

  • Better understand the hydrogen market and potential
  • Understand the hydrogen value chain and the interaction between the players in the value chain
  • Know what's happening at the front end of the hydrogen development
  • Build a professional network with hydrogen executives
  • Start with a pilot case that's relevant for your organisation
  • Training Program

    Registration for the program costs €1950. The outline of the 2 Day program is shown below.

    Day 1: September 12 2024

    Morning Session:

    Wolf Ketter - Professor RSM/University of Cologne
  • What is Hydrogen?
  • What does the Hydrogen Value Chain look like?
  • Upcoming Hydrogen Applications and why?
  • Auke Ferwerda - Experienced Entrepreneur
  • Hydrogen in the Energy System

  • Afternoon Session:

    Visit hydrogen installation: Get insights in a top level example of hydrogen technology
    Apply to your own organization and/or industry: In this workshop you will work in teams to define potential projects for your organization or sector

    Day 2: September 13 2024

    Morning Session:

    'Hydrogen Innovator' (speaker tbd)
  • Specific Hydrogen Technologies and Challenges
  • Mare Straetmans - Innovation Ecosystem Expert
  • Hydrogen Innovation: Its way of working

  • Afternoon Session:

    Case by "multinational" on partnering: Definition of case to work on in small groups on partnering with different stakeholders in the hydrogen domain
    Apply to your own organization and/or industry: In this workshop you will work in teams to define potential projects for your organization or sector

    Project manager

    Ruben Rutgers

    I am eager to tell you everything you need to know about the Hydrogen Executive Training! Apply here!
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