
Are you an entrepreneur with serious ambitions for impact and scale in the maritime and energy domain? And are you looking for seed investment, then we're also looking for you! We are about scaling ventures. This requires funding.

Investment Portfolio



Our very first fund

Together with the well renowned entrepreneur Peter Goedvolk and his First Dutch organisation, we have committed to invest ten million euros in the coming five years in ventures that have exponential growth potential. Do you want to know more about the ins and outs of our very first fund? Read the article here.


We are looking for companies that are close to their first revenue, or already have revenue up to €2mln. You have a strong team, that has all capabilities it needs, to scale the company. Your venture should have a positive impact on our planet, it should have the ambition to scale within the next 5 years and a clear plan on how to do this.


Decarbonisation of shipping


Digitalisation of maritime


Are you building your solution in the sectors of maritime, energy and/or climate or does your technology contribute to any of the challenges below? This means we are very interested to connect with you!




And many more


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